Case Studies for Living Heritage Issues in San Francisco
Presenters Tim Frye, Mike Buhler and Donna Graves will discuss contemporary issues in the city of San Francisco. They will each highlight some of the projects they have been involved in and how they are shaping the built environment.
Moderator - Andrew Potts
01:35 - Donna Graves
07:51 - Mike Buhler
24:46 - Tim Frye
Heritage and Social Impact Assessments for Sustainable Development
Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) and Social Impact Assessments are valuable tools used around the world to measure the consequences of development on cultural heritage and social groups The impact can be both positive and negative. This discussion will consider how Australia has implemented Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) and how the assessments are used to manage heritage. In the United States, Social Impact Assessments are used by the Environmental Protection Agency. The session will cover the potential HIAs and SIAs have as a tool for equitable urban development.
The charge for this discussion is to determine the value and need of HIAs and SIAs in San Antonio and other U.S. cities. Recommendations are to address both tangible and intangible heritage and provide details on how an HIA would be structured if they were to be adopted into policy.
Moderator - Andrew Potts
06:05 - Dr. A. Ege Yildirim
20:43 - Carlton Eley
45:05 - Sharon Veale
Leveraging Living Heritage for Economic Benefit
Cultural heritage and economics share a close relationship with one another. When the two work together, they foster sustainable development, ensure the protection of cultural properties and build prosperity for individuals.
The charge for this discussion is to develop recommendations for incentives, policy, and other proven measures which intersect living heritage with economic development, job creation, and cultural sustainability through traditional livelihoods and wisdom. The approach must be people-centered and respect communities' stewardship of their own cultural assets.
Moderator – Andrew Potts
03:57 - Donovan Rypkema
28:39 - Ester van Steekelenburg
59:56 - Mike Buhler
Sensitive Treatment of Cultural Properties
San Antonio has developed a proven method for landmarking culturally significant properties. The local process will be discussed as background, while presenters will provide information on methods and strategies used in San Francisco, the Arab Emirates, and Turkey.
Working participants are expected to develop recommendations on how to treat culturally significant properties after landmarking―what are the best tools to utilize heritage that goes beyond the architecture? Special use districts, new forms of designations, incentives and property owner assistance are possible approaches to be discussed.
Moderator – Andrew Potts
04:17 – Donna Graves
18:59 – Dr. A. Ege. Yildirim
38:14 – Tim Frye